Banana Power Muffins


Chock full of good for you ingredients and still taste great–when I can get my teenager to eat one I know I did ok!

1 cup Greek yogurt–I used plain, non-fat–you could use any

3tbsp unsweetened cashew milk–or whatever milk you have on hand

2-3 medium bananas mooshed up 🙂

2 tbsp. coconut oil

1 egg

95g oats

80g oat flour–pretty sure any flour will work

6tbsp flax seeds/meal–I just put mine in the Magic Bullet

100g dark chocolate chips–I love this brand

Mix dry ingredients.  Add wet ingredients and bake ~20 min @350


Calories: 216

Fat: 10

Carb: 24

Fiber: 6

Protein: 6

Week in Review and a REDO!

appleHello and Happy Monday!  It’s freakin cold!  Thank goodness for seat warmers 😀  I’m always inspired to write after visiting Clean Eats, Fast Feets so once again, joining for the Week In Review link up!

Last week seemed long to me, however, I read several other people’s statements about how quickly it went by.

I left you last week with my kitchen and recipe disaster but I’m happy to report I gave it another shot this weekend and the result–fantastic for such a small amount of ingredients!  I have some cherry juice that needs using up and I may give that a whirl too!  I will post the recipe under the FOOD tab so be sure to come back and check if you want a quick and relatively healthy apple cider muffin recipe.  I have an apple cider donut recipe in the works too! Oh and my oats were custom made and had sprinkles which is why there is a touch of color!

So last week was busy at work, doctor appointments, hair appointments  and finally a quiet weekend at home.  I spent a lot of the weekend in food prep mode to include, but not limited to: curry chicken, prepped a pork loin that I will throw in the oven probably tomorrow, marinating some skinny hot chicken–one of my kiddo’s favorites, baked some delicata squash<anyone eat this?  I’ve been hearing great things.  Excited to have some post-workout tonight!

I also tested out some “new to me” things…Blue Diamond Pumpkin Spice Almonds, Man Dip (some buffalo chicken dip my kiddo picked out–tasty!) and White fudge covered Oreos<<<<< where have these been all my life?  Seriously.

Halloween tomorrow.  I love Halloween–not LOVE like some people…I think my favorite part is all the little ones that come to my house although those numbers dwindle every year 😦  OH and candy!  I wanted to buy the big bag of stuff I don’t like…then I saw a meme about being cheap LOL!  So I bought the good stuff and if there’s any leftovers, I’ll bring it to work 😉  RIGHT………. I may get my 50something dollars out of that Teletubbie costume I bought for my son a little while back and wear it to work.  He says I should definitely do it–can you see me rolling up to Ft. Bragg’s gate guard with that on LOL.  I think I might.

Ok I’ve rambled enough about my week—how was yours??


Happy Monday!

blue.pngI hope you all had a great weekend. Mine was quiet–just the way I like it. Finished my book, let my just last week legal to drive teenager drive me around–only drove through one red light (ok yellow–flaming yellow) and drove over one curb ha! I also did a whole lot of experimenting in the kitchen!

My favorite bakery in town closed and so I decided to attempt to recreate one of my favorites from there. They were called Harvest bars so that is what I shall call these. Blueberry harvest bars. They did not really make a “bar”.  More of a baked oatmeal to eat with a spoon? I loved making my own blueberry jam but as a whole, these are not sweet so if you are into “not too sweet”, give them a try!

For the blueberry jam:
1.5 cups (roughly) blueberries–I used fresh
2 tbsp. chia seeds
2 tbsp. VitaFiber – you can also use maple syrup here
Put the blueberries and syrup in a sauce pan on medium. Heat about 5-10 minutes. Add chia seeds and stir 5-10 more minutes. Set aside to cool.

For the oatmeal part:
1/3 cup oat flour
1/2 cup oats
2 medium bananas
1/4 cup VitaFiber
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp vanilla
Mix it all up. I used an 8×8 pan and parchment paper Pour half the oatmeal mix on the bottom, blueberry in the middle, the rest of the oatmeal on top. Bake at 350 for 30 min.
I cut mine into 6 bars.
Fat: 2
Carbs: 24
Fiber: 4
Protein: 3

Let me know if you make these and what you think!