Banana Power Muffins


Chock full of good for you ingredients and still taste great–when I can get my teenager to eat one I know I did ok!

1 cup Greek yogurt–I used plain, non-fat–you could use any

3tbsp unsweetened cashew milk–or whatever milk you have on hand

2-3 medium bananas mooshed up 🙂

2 tbsp. coconut oil

1 egg

95g oats

80g oat flour–pretty sure any flour will work

6tbsp flax seeds/meal–I just put mine in the Magic Bullet

100g dark chocolate chips–I love this brand

Mix dry ingredients.  Add wet ingredients and bake ~20 min @350


Calories: 216

Fat: 10

Carb: 24

Fiber: 6

Protein: 6